Did you know that consistent brand presentation across many platforms can increase the profits of a business by about 23%?
Yeah, well, that’s a pretty cool stat.
But want to hear an even cooler fact? As a real estate company, there are even more branding opportunities for you than there are for other types of businesses.
Real estate branding is basically the creation of your company’s identity through the use of consistent strategies. There are tons of aspects to this- brand voice, overall message, standard catch phrases, yadda, yadda, yadda- but no matter what, it needs to be planned meticulously and executed thoroughly.
3D-rendering- images that are produced based on computerized 3-dimensional data- are an effective way to create company identity and promote your product properly. Read on to learn why this is the case and gain a greater understanding of how 3D-rendering is critical to your brand strategy.
Give the people what they want
Show off! Got a great product? Let people see it before they invest! As a real estate agency, you’ve probably already discovered that it’s impossible to tell the full story of your buildings by snapping a few photos, if you even can! After all, each room in every building has so many different angles and even more nooks and crannies. These won’t be shown in images no matter how many pictures you snap. For the developers and architects that have yet to see their project come to life, what better way to showcase their dreams to possible investors and buyers than a full walkthrough?
Also, if you take too many pictures, you’re just going to clog up your website and social media pages with what looks like repetitive content. People are going to get overwhelmed and click away from your website, who wants a high bounceback rate anyway? This is a surefire way to drive people away from your brand and into the loving and ever-open arms of your direct competitors.
So what should you do instead?
Well, 3D rendering solves this problem. When you upload a 3D rendered tour to your website, people can browse every corner of the buildings that are up for sale. They can explore every part of the homes you have for sale and the apartments that you have for lease on their own precious time.
People can visualize themselves in the property and have a better excuse to sign a pre-lease or purchase. This is useful in pretty much every situation, but it’s especially great for properties that are still under construction or are having repairs performed on them. People can see the finished product as a comprehensive 3D picture or tour.
As a result, you’re going to get more inquiries about your buildings. People are going to feel the confidence they need in going to you for an on-site visit if they already know what to expect from the property.
Tell your story
Earlier, we brushed on the idea of how you need to tell the full story of your building. But there’s another story you need to tell, too: the story of your brand.
This pretty much means that all of your marketing materials need to circle back to the values and visions of your real estate company. You want to reach out to your target audience by hitting them over the head with the values that your business holds dear. This probably means transparency, helpfulness, and general adherence to a mission statement.
3D rendering helps you to achieve all of these example values (assuming that your mission statement is, you know, relevant.) They provide transparency because people have the freedom to explore every part of your buildings and form their own judgments about it. They also help to make sure that potential buyers have all the information necessary to make an informed decision about signing with you.
See how 3D rendering is a strategy that can help to achieve your specific values? Pretty cool, right?
Another part of telling a cohesive brand story is finding your niche. Obviously, your niche is real estate, but that’s not quite what we’re talking about here. We’re talking more about your marketing niche and the overall way that you convey your business to an audience.
If you use 3D rendering for all of your buildings, this is something that people will come to expect from you. They’ll associate clearly transparent and helpful 3D images with your brand, which helps to build your overall reputation. Are you being thoughtful with your floor-plan layout? There’s only so much a future buyer or tenant can see from a static PDF of your drawn out “plan”, are you splurging on the finishes? Are you thinking more about the comfort of your resident, or what makes “the most cost effective sense” for you building to cram more people? The fact that you’re consistent and maybe a little bougie is an awesome way to keep people interested in your brand and able to expect awesome things from you every time they visit your website, and stick around a little longer.
Amplify With Other Brand Strategies 
There are lots of other real estate branding strategies that you’re likely employing. Even if they’re as simple as company colors, a logo, a slogan, or a certain font… well, people are going to associate you with something.
This is incredibly beneficial for your business. It ingrains your brand into people’s subconscious so that you can live rent-free in their minds. This sounds like an evil plot of some kind, but it’s really just good marketing. People will see a certain shape or hue of their favorite color and think: ‘huh! That real estate company I bought my condo from was pretty cool and I should tell all my friends to buy from them, too.’
It’s not an evil plot.
We promise. Real estate companies make for terrible supervillains.
3D rendering can work with all of your other branding strategies seamlessly. You can incorporate it onto your webpage with textual information in your brand’s favorite font. You can also upload 3D-rendered images with different colored backgrounds and saturate them to bring out hues in your brand color.
Just get creative!
Pack a Real Punch
Did you know that 73% of people in the market for a new home are more likely to buy after seeing a video of your product?
Yeah, alright. We know that 3D-rendered images aren’t a video, but if you’re feeling adventurous, it can become a full tour whether through a flythrough animation, or user-driven walkthrough of the entire home. The principle remains the same, people are visual learners (65% of them, anyway), and the eye is drawn to movement, as people are more likely to become interested in your services after the 3D reality packs a punch.
Oh, yeah, and they’re also cheaper. So that’s a plus.
You can post your 3D Renders on tons of different platforms. Not only are they good for your official website, but Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are all platforms that you can use to show off your 3D-rendered product. They can be sent out through email, too, if you have an email list filled with people from your target audience, or a bunch of pals you want to show off to.
Prospective tenants will be entranced!
If your competitors are using 3D-rendering and you don’t, your brand is going to be forgotten in favor of other ones. Make sure that you make the images or tours easily accessible on your webpage so that they engage viewers ASAP. You don’t want them to click away from your website because they don’t immediately see anything that captures their interest.
Investing In Your Buyers and Tenants
As a business, your primary purpose (besides making your customers’ days bright and sunshiney, of course) is to turn a profit.
When you employ super expensive brand strategies, you’ll have a more difficult time doing this. But effective and inexpensive strategies? Well, that’s a fantastic way to make your ROI go up before you even get to digging.
3D-rendering is a cost-effective solution when it comes to branding your business. Not building yet? No problem, hand the drawings over and watch your product turn to life. Selling or renting an existing property? Hire a professional photographer and pay a design agency a small sum to stitch it all together. You can then use the assets as often as you want. Depending on how crisp you want your 3D Renders, your cost may go up; however, it’s really nothing when you turn a $50,000+ profit on a condo or home!
More Real Estate Branding Methods
There are lots of ways that you can make your real estate business one to remember, but 3D-rendering is one of the absolute best ways that you can stick in the minds of your target audience and rise above the competition.
Now that you know how 3D-rendering can help with your real estate branding, it’s time to get started. Contact us to learn more about how our experts can help your real estate business thrive. We’re here to help you rise to new heights, so why wait?
Let’s get to work!
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